About Roxanne
I began this incarnation filled with an overwhelming curiosity, a need to discover, a longing for understanding and an insatiable desire to experience. I felt a total attunement with the universe. As the ever-exploring child, I had a direct link with my Inner Creative Element, my intuition, my instincts, my ever-flowing creativity, my physical and non-physical senses.
"I was filled with an overwhelming curiosity, a need to discover, a longing for understanding and an insatiable desire to experience. I felt a total attunement with the universe."
I would see images in the forms of themes, hear messages in the forms of whispers, and sense feelings in the forms of inner and outer physical responses. I knew who was calling when the phone rang. I could predict events before they actually happened and I intuitively felt when a person was physically ill or emotionally stressed and why. My empathy for others tuned me into their feelings- which was like a boomerang effect- and sometimes it would make me feel sad. It became a game for me-a childlike fantasy and amusement that would sometimes frighten me because of its accuracy and the power it presented.
When I would try to explain the sensations I was experiencing to the adults around me, they would say I was play-acting- that it was all in my imagination. They humored me, laughed at me, and said that I'd grow out of it. Yet it felt so completely natural and comfortable. It felt so good, right and real. I would often get confused. Why should I grow out of something that seemed so natural? As I reached my early teens, I began to fall prey to the social pressures of the time and began trying desperately to make sense out of my experiences. I wanted to gain a clear understanding of why I experienced the "whispers," the "visions," the "sensations" and the "insights." Perhaps the others were right: maybe it really was just "fantasy" and "imagination." I began to suppress my natural psychic feelings since it was important for me to be "adult-like" and more serious. My interpretation of events found justification in my assumptions about what we, as humans, were really capable of, my expectations of myself and my knowledge of environmental variables. I began to replace my intuitive feelings with evidence procedures, my premonitions with objective solutions, and my predictions with logical conclusions. In my desire to move forward and grow, I was actually taking a step backward.

"The true psychic is a person who is especially sensitive to non-physical forces. Being intuitive is a direct perception of truth or fact independent of any reasoning abilities. The psychic is the guide that connects with the higher forces of the Mind."

In my continued pursuit of making sense out of this world, I discovered an ancient and what I then believed to be a mysterious modality: meditation. It intrigued me because of its supposed immediate and lasting changes and effects on the mind. The literature on meditation was extensive and my voracious appetite was unyielding. As I performed the suggested exercises, I began to feel a closer connection to my inner creative mind. This in turn gradually stimulated a flow of familiar feelings. These sensations were the same that I remembered having when I was born and throughout my entire childhood. I began opening up the very vortexes of my visual and auditory centers, intuition, premonition and prophecy that lay dormant all those teenage years. As I continued to explore the nature of psychic phenomenon and began again to tap into my natural inborn instincts, the primal psychic centers of mind, body and spirit became enhanced again. As this happened, I came to realize the true meaning of the word "psychic."
Today the word "psychic" has so many negative associations: the "900-Number" infomercial, the storefront palm reader, the "tell-you-what you-already-know-and-grab-your-money" charlatan. Yet the true psychic is a person who is especially sensitive to non-physical forces. Being intuitive is a direct perception of truth or fact independent of any reasoning abilities. The psychic is the guide that connects with the higher forces of the Mind and his/her natural gifts comes from the vastness of Universal Truth: a Higher Intelligence.
The power of the mind is perfected when we are in tune with the Supreme Laws of God, but sometimes people are afraid to learn just how powerful they can be. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Once we commit to our True Purposes, we place ourselves in a stream of bliss, and we receive aid from what philosopher and author Joseph Campbell called "those invisible hands." Connecting deeply to the inner self, the rising Spirit, and the fundamental Essence of Humankind creates feelings that transcend time and space and arouses the Highest Centers of Knowing, Understanding and "Human Being."